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Peoria County’s Bicentennial Installation: Sculpting Our Narrative

Large-Scale Public Art Project Call For Entry

Contact Email: [email protected]
Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: Artists in Peoria County and the surrounding area
Entry Deadline: October 29, 2024
Entry Form (read guidelines first):

1. Images: Minimum: 3, Maximum: 5
2. Design Proposal
3. Written Statement

Call for Entries
In celebration of Peoria County’s 200th anniversary, Peoria County and ArtsPartners of Central Illinois invite local artists to submit qualifications for a public art project featuring multiple large fiberglass bison sculptures. This exciting project will commemorate the rich cultural and historical heritage of the region, with the decorated bison to be prominently displayed in public spaces throughout 2025. Peoria County is looking to decorate a minimum of two bison through this call for entry; more may be selected at a later date.

Artists will be selected based on their submitted work, and those chosen will receive a stipend of $2,000, along with up to $1,000 to cover material costs. The fiberglass bison sculptures measure 62 inches in height, 27 inches wide, 8 feet 4 inches in length, and weigh approximately 100 pounds.

Artists should aim to create dynamic, engaging artwork. There is no strict requirement to follow a specific theme.

Artist Eligibility
This call is open to artists living or who have a studio in Peoria County. Artists may use any medium, but the bison’s shape and structural integrity must be maintained. Previous experience with public art or large-scale projects is preferred but not required.

Peoria County can arrange for transport of the bison to and from studios within Peoria County. Artists living outside the boundaries of Peoria County may have to arrange to transport the sculpture to and from the clear-coating site, depending on the distance. Peoria County will attempt to work with artists on a case-by-case basis.


  • Each selected artist will receive a $2,000 stipend.
  • Up to $1,000 will be provided for materials, based on documented expenses.
  • Peoria County will own the final artwork, including copyright.

Project Timeline

  • Submission deadline: October 29, 2024
  • Artist selection: Week of November 11, 2024
  • Work commencement: As soon as possible after contract signing
  • Completed work due: December 16, 2024
    • This call for artists is primarily for sculptures that can be ready for transport, or be delivered to the designated location in Peoria, for clear-coating by December 16, 2024.
    • Artists who know that they are not able to complete the project within the timeline are still encouraged to submit. Artists submitting for a later time frame must clearly communicate a timeline to completion in their entry.

Application Requirements
There is no cost to apply. All components must be submitted digitally through this form and include the following:

  1. Sample Images:
    • Minimum of 3, maximum of 5 images of previous work.
    • Images should be 144 ppi and no larger than 2000 pixels on the longest side.
    • Label images as: Lastname_Firstname_1.jpg, Lastname_Firstname_2.jpg, etc.
  2. Design Proposal:
    • Submit either a rough mock-up of your proposed design for the bison and/or a written description (400 words or less) detailing your artistic approach. See Attachment A for a visual representation of the bison.
  3. Written Statement:
    • A few sentences explaining your interest in this project and your vision for the bison design. Reference your submitted work if relevant.
  4. Optional:
    • Website link for additional work or context. This will not replace the required image submissions.

Design Requirements
The proposed artwork must not interfere with public safety. Prohibited elements include:

  • Bold or vibrant colors that can be mistaken for signal lights
  • Lighting or reflective elements that are not incorporated into the artwork
  • Flashing disks that simulate lighting
  • 3D effects
  • Company logos or symbols
  • Flags and banners
  • Text
  • Depictions of violence

After the artist has completed their work, the sculpture will be clear-coated at Woodruff Career and Technical Center or other organization. Beforehand, a sticker with the Peoria County bicentennial logo will be affixed to the left rear hip or rump of each bison. Depending on the dimensions, the maximum size would be 6 inches x 2 inches or 4 inches x 4 inches. It will cover some portion of the design. The exact placement will be determined by County staff before it is clear-coated. If the placement needs to be changed due to the design, we can determine that on a case-by-case basis.

Selection Process
A selection committee will review all submissions and may choose not to select an artist if no suitable proposals are submitted. The committee reserves the right to delay selection.

Additional Policies

  • Peoria County will retain ownership and copyright of the completed artwork and design.
  • Peoria County retains the right to amend design requirements.
  • Artists are responsible for securing any permissions related to reference images.
  • ArtsPartners and Peoria County may use submitted images for promotional purposes.
  • Selected artists will receive recognition via Peoria County’s website, social media, and other promotional avenues.
  • By submitting, artists agree to the terms outlined in this call for entry.

For questions or more information, contact: [email protected].

Click here to enter.

Attachment A

Use the following image as a reference:

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