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2024 Arts Dollars Application
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Applicant Information
Contact Name:
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:
District(s), if applicable:
School Name(s), if applicable:
Project Information
Amount Requested:
Project Synopsis:
Applicant Type:
Art Discipline(s):
List all artists, administrators, and/or arts groups who will be directly involved in the project:
Number of artists involved:
Number of youth involved:
Number of volunteers involved:
Number of artists being paid:
Total number of participants:
Description of underserved population (if applicable):
Anticipated Participant Demographics
We understand that you will not know this before the event. Please put anticipated participation totals. You will be required supply numbers if your receive the grant in your final report.
Anticipated percent of participants who identify as Indian or Alaska Native.
Anticipated percent of participants who identify as Asian.
Anticipated percent of participants who identify as Black or African American.
Anticipated percent of participants who identify as Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.
Anticipated percent of participants who identify as Hispanic or Latino.
Anticipated percent of participants who identify as White or Caucasian.
Anticipated percent of participants who identify as female.
Anticipated percent of participants who identify as male.
Anticipated percent of participants who identify as non-binary.
Anticipated percent of participants who identify as another gender identity.
The following will be uploaded to the online form. No single file size may exceed 10MB; no application may include more than 20MB total attachments. PDF format is preferred, and links to media are acceptable.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
In one page or less, answer the following questions: 1. Describe the goal of your project, your project's participants, and what will actually occur. If this is not a new project, briefly describe the project's history (number of years, changes over time, etc.) 2. How do you plan to promote your project? (to participants, students, parents, and/or the public as applicable) 3. List all major personnel (paid, in-kind, and volunteer artists and staff) and describe their role in the project. 4. List the dates for key project activities (at minimum, dates of events and/or project completion). 5. What is your mission statement? How does the project fit your mission? (Not applicable to individual artists.) 6. If the project budget exceeds the stated limit, describe the sources and expected arrival dates of additional funding.
Project Budget
Click or drag files to this area to upload.
You can upload up to 2 files.
Complete the form available at
Click or drag files to this area to upload.
You can upload up to 5 files.
Include only major personnel, no more than five resumes; or include artist statement or abbreviated bios of key staff as appropriate.
Partner Letter of Support
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
If your project involves another organization, we request a brief letter of support from that organization affirming their intent to partner with you.
Non-Profit Status (Where Applicable)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
One-page documentation of non-profit status. IRS letter is preferred, if applicable.
Work Samples
Click or drag files to this area to upload.
You can upload up to 8 files.
Submit one or more of the following as appropriate and describe the work sample(s). • Visual artists – 5-8 images with title, media, dimensions, and date (include all information in one pdf if possible). • Performing artists – 1-3 minutes of video or audio with title and date. • Literary artists – one short story, one essay, OR three poems (no more than ten pages, standard formatting). • Arts educators – student work in one of the forms listed above is acceptable / preferred. • ONLY if no artistic documentation is available / relevant – submit two letters of recommendation.