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2004: WTVP – 47

From airing Public Service spots that promote all of the arts events playing in the central Illinois area to producing in-studio vignettes of local arts groups performances, WTVP-TV showcases the arts every single day, on and off, all day long.…

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2003: Arts Alive! Magazine

Arts Alive! Magazine was published by Central Illinois Business Publishers from 1996 to 2005. Arts Alive! magazine was devoted to showcasing the wealth and depth of arts activities in the Peoria area, providing a behind-the-scenes look at the lives of…

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2002: Jim Thrush

As a businessman and patron of the arts, Jim Thrush worked tirelessly behind the scenes to support nearly a dozen arts organizations. He was instrumental in the expansion of the Peoria Ballet and a driving force behind several local history…

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2001: Jim Maloof

The very first ArtsPartners of the Year was Jim Maloof, former Peoria mayor and a beloved figure in the community. A strong advocate for music, dance and the arts during his time as mayor, Maloof lent his business expertise to…

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